Mercedes Benz Sprinter

Sprinter Passenger Van

up to

11 Seats
in the interior.

The exterior of the Sprinter Passenger Van is impressive. The characteristic front view and the smoothly merging side surfaces result in balanced proportions overall.

The attraction behind the all-round glazing: the interior.

The interior of the Sprinter Passenger Van not only looks good, it also offers plenty of comfort. In the cockpit as well as for the passengers.

Dimensions of the Sprinter Passenger Van.

Size of Mercedes Benz Sprinter - GB Limousine

Dimensions of the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Passenger Van (in mm).

Mercedes Benz Sprinter for 8 pax-type

Benz Sprinter 8-pax-type by GB Limousine
Mercedes Benz Sprinter 8 pax-type by GB Limousine
Mercedes Benz 8 pax type by gblimousine

Mercedes Benz Sprinter for 15 pax-type

Benz sprinter up to 15 pax by gblimousine
Mercedes Benz Sprinter up to 15 pax
Luggage Area Mercedes Benz Sprinter up to 15 pax by gblimousine

Limo Girl

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