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Ref. Number  ให้ run number auto ในฐานข้อมูล

Position Applied……………………………………………………………………………Expected Salary……………../Month
When do you want to start?  …………………………………………………………….

Name Mr./Mrs./Miss  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Current Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone No. ………………………………………………………email…………………………………………………………….

Date of Birth ……………………………..   Age …………………..    Place of Birth ……………………….

Weight ………………kg.    Height ……………

Race ………………………… Nationality ……………………………..Religion ……………………………………

Identity Card No./Passport No.  ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Expiry Date …………………………….Issued By ………………………………………………………

Military Status   Exempted         Non Exempted            Territorial Degree Student     Date Entered Service

Marital Status   Single    Married     Separated      Widowed      Divorced

Parent    Live Together     Separated     Divorced           (Father/Mother) Died

In case of emergency please contact      Name ………………………………………………………………………………

Relations ……………………………………………………….Telephone No. ………………………………………………….
Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Family Details


First Name-Last Name






Address/Office Address


Telephone No.

You are number
No. of Children ………………………..   Persons

Education Background

Level Institute/Location Degree/Certificate Major From Date To Date G.P.A.
Primary School
Secondary School

c  Level of Present Study ……………………………………………………..   Institute ……………………….

Major ………………………………………….

Day Time Course                        Evening Course                                   Other …………………………

Expected Graduation ……………………

Job Training/Inspection/Apprenticeship

Course Institute Degree/Certificate Period

Language Ability

  Speaking Writing Understanding
Language Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor

Special Ability

Typing Computer Others
                      Thai                                                      wpm.
English                                                      wpm.
Drive Car
Yes       No
Own a car                               Yes              No Driving License
Yes No. ……………………No

Working Experience (Start with your present and previous positions)

1.   Company’s Name Type of Business

Address                                                                                                 Telephone No.

Brief Responsibility


Date Employed                                                      To First Position Last Position
Starting Salary                                                      Bht./Month Last Salary                                                           Bht./Month Other Benefits                                                         Bht./Month
Reason For Leaving
2.   Company’s Name Type of Business
Address                                                           Telephone No.
Brief Responsibility


Date Employed                                                      To First Position Last Position
Starting Salary                                                      Bht./Month Last Salary                                                           Bht./Month Other Benefits                                                         Bht./Month
Reason For Leaving
3.   Company’s Name Type of Business
Address                                                                                                                                     Telephone No.
Brief Responsibility
วันเริ่มงาน                                                      ถึง

Date Employed                                                      To


First Position


Last Position

Starting Salary                                                      Bht./Month Last Salary                                                           Bht./Month Other Benefits                                                         Bht./Month
Reason For Leaving
4 Company’s Name Type of Business
Address                                                                                                                         Telephone No.
Brief Responsibility
Date Employed                                                      To First Position Last Position
Starting Salary                                                      Bht./Month Last Salary                                                           Bht./Month Other Benefits                                                         Bht./Month
Reason For Leaving

Please give name and address only those who have known you in a professional ability.

Name-Surname Position Address/Office Address Telephone No.


  1. Do you have any physical handicaps, chronic diseases or other disabilities?

              No                               Yes                       Specify ……………………………………..

  1.  Have you ever been hospitalized because of serious illness or accident?

             No                               Yes                       Specify ………………………………………..

  1. General condition of your health?

          Excellent                    Good                          Fair                             Poor

  1. Have you ever been any legal action taken against you?

        No                               Yes                       Specify …………………………………………….

  1. Have you ever been terminated for any reason?

       No                               Yes                       Specify ……………………………………………..

  1. Have you any friends or relative employed here?

        No                               Yes                       Specify

Additional information which you considered to be beneficial to application.




I certify that my answers or evidences are true.  I understand that any incorrect, incomplete, or false statement of information furnished by me will be considered as just cause for rejection of this application or dismissal from employment without any compensation of severance pay whatsoever.


(…………………………………….……………….)                                                                                                                                        Applicant   Signature

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